Amelia Earhart’s Plane Possibly Found in Nikumaroro Lagoon

CHOWCHILLA, Calif., May 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As if right under our nose, an image suggesting Amelia Earhart’s plane is submerged at the Taraia spit in Nikumaroro lagoon. Formerly known as Gardner Island and believed to be the final resting place of the aviatrix. This slightly murky image found in 2021, may hold the location of the wreckage that’s been hidden away in its watery grave for more than eight decades. Possibly in better shape than expected, though being in two pieces. This time capsule could hold the clues to Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan’s disappearance on that fateful day.

In 2020 an object is discovered showing what maybe a large piece of plane wreckage exhibiting angles that are curiously consistent in size and shape to some aircraft parts. Most likely a section of wing, though not yet substantiated. This possible wing portion now known as the Taraia Object was found by Navy Veteran Michael Ashmore on Apple Maps. More supporting evidence decades apart may show plane has been there ever since Amelia put it down in the lagoon all those years ago. Coming in hard and severing part of a wing that settled adjacent to the main body of aircraft. Her Lockheed Electra slowly sinking into the watery sandbank as tidal movements buried it.

During further investigation of Nikumaroro Island (a possible message in the sand) was discovered by Robert Ashmore on Google Earth 2021. Located on a lagoon beach, it could’ve seen from more than 5000 feet up or on approach to the island. Which may also suggest the pair of aviators were actively trying to be seen by anyone, though most likely being written too late for Navy search planes to see. The SOS messages would’ve been written large in clearings around the island. Our first and largest to date has possibly been deciphered as Amelia’s radio call sign (KHAQQ), approximately over two hundred feet long that could possibly link the missing fliers to this island.

Michael and Robert Ashmore are two brothers on a mission to bring Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan home by solving this mystery one clue at a time. Looking forward to conclusively bringing this one to a close with the use of modern satellite imagery mixed with hard work. The clues are out there, we just need to see them! Visit their website:    

Contact Information:
Michael Ashmore, RTA
Chowchilla, Ca.
(559) 536-7792

SOURCE Michael Ashmore

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