Bluetail RecordSnap makes it fast and easy for maintenance technicians to use their smartphone’s camera, without a new app, to scan, upload, and automatically store records in real-time.
PHOENIX, May 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Bluetail, the leading modern aircraft records platform for business aviation, announces the launch of its newest timesaving feature, Bluetail RecordSnap™ .
Bluetail RecordSnap allows aircraft maintenance personnel to take a photo of aircraft documents and automatically store and convert them to a searchable PDF in Bluetail’s secure platform directly from their iOS™ or Android™ smartphone.
"The idea behind Bluetail’s aircraft records digitization and cloud-storage capabilities is to save time on aircraft maintenance paperwork," stated Greg Baynham, Bluetail’s Vice President of Applications and Delivery. "This new capability is the next step in that process. Now, instead of taking the maintenance records to a scanner and then sending those files to us, the A&P or any maintenance stakeholder can take a photo of the entry with their smartphone and immediately upload it to their secure Bluetail account."
"While this capability certainly saves time when the aircraft is undergoing maintenance or repairs at its normal facility, its benefits are even more evident when performing maintenance in an "AOG" scenario," he added. "Since the digitized file is uploaded immediately, there is no chance of losing the information in transit. Once it’s in the Bluetail cloud, it’s totally secure, searchable, and shareable with anyone."
"We are extremely proud of the great advancements we’ve introduced for our Bluetail customers over the past 12-months," Bluetail co-founder and CEO Roberto Guerrieri said. "Every monthly upgrade and new capability we introduce is just another part of our ongoing investment in making our application the most capable in the business and general aviation industry."
For more information about Bluetail’s new RecordSnap feature, visit
About Bluetail Inc.
Bluetail is a modern aircraft records platform. We enable aircraft owners, operators, and flight departments to move away from paper-based records and digitize, organize, search and share all aircraft records from anywhere on any device. Our customers experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing every aircraft logbook is professionally scanned, indexed, and secured with our FAA-compliant, cloud-based SaaS platform. For more information, visit:
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Dale Smith
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Bluetail, Inc.
M: 904.400.1000
SOURCE Bluetail, Inc.