ATLANTA, July 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Open Application Group (OAGi) is pleased to announce that the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) has completed its transition to become a part of OAGi. Ontology development continues uninterrupted with the next major milestone being the release of IOF version 1.0.
"OAGi is pleased to add IOF to the OAGi family of integration standards, technologies and tools," said Garret Minakawa, OAGi Policy Board Chair and Director of Product Strategy at Oracle Corporation. "OAGi and its members are excited about exploring the application of ontologies to improve enterprise interoperability." Vikash Goyal, Vice President of Product Strategy at Oracle adds "Oracle has supported the work of OAGi and open standards for many years and we are excited to see how the combination of ontology and integration standards drive innovation for the manufacturing industry."
"Ontologies for manufacturing and production improving dramatically the capitalization of the existing knowledge facilitating the deployment of new applications and systems," said Fernando Mas, CTO – Technology and R&D at Mecanizados Y Montajes Aeronáuticos S.A. "The Open Application Group (OAGi) and the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) are key players for the game."
"NIST is conducting research on how ontologies can be applied to data in manufacturing, supply chain, and the circular economy," said Boonserm Kulvatunyou, PhD, Systems Integration Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). "We feel that standardized ontologies have the potential to improve the data connectivity throughout the product and operation life cycles leading to better supply chain visibility and risk management. Our research indicates that a standardized set of reference ontologies that are semantically and logically consistent across operating sectors of manufacturing supply chains are necessary to realize the potential benefits. Industry needs the technical infrastructure to develop and specialize such ontologies. It is vital to have a standards development organization such as the IOF to create and maintain these important industry standards."
OAGi invites organizations to join OAGi, join IOF working groups, and contribute to building the most comprehensive and accurate industrial ontologies available.
More information about OAGi resources, services, and activities is available at or by contacting Member Services at
or +1 404-402-1962. More on IOF can be found at
The Open Applications Group (OAGi) is a non-profit organization with the mission to reduce the cost of integration by developing inter-operable, cross-functional, cross-industry, data-model-driven, and extensible standards to meet the challenge of a rapidly-changing global digital economy.
The Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) is an OAGi organizational unit with the mission to create a set of core and open reference ontologies that spans the entire domain of digital manufacturing.
Media contact:
Michael Figura
+1 404-402-1962