LUXEMBOURG, Jan. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Who wants to fly? Everyone. We’ve all been looking forward to getting away from the lockdown routine. Business flyers can do only so much through online meetings. Never did anyone think that face-to-face interaction and being where your business has interests would be so important. We have also all missed, for many reasons, our annual holiday fun. We’ve cancelled family events and personal trips. We especially miss the way we’ve been able to travel. We yearn for the comfort, pampering and fun of traveling long distances in luxury.
Now that the Covid-19 vaccine rollout has started more and more flights open up, and there is going to be a lot of competition in finding First Class and Business Class Flights. Premium-Flights will give you the best in pricing, lounge gossip and deals. There are exciting travel tips, hacks and privileged information to organize and enjoy your trip. If you are traveling for business, there are lots of business class sales and premium deals at usually full resorts to be had if you add personal days before or after your meetings.
Premium-Flights is the jewel in the frequent flyer crown. It is a one stop shop for passengers looking for a premium service experience. Premium-Flights offers an interactive website that posts surprisingly affordable first and business class airfares for seasoned flyers. There are updated sale fares posted so you don’t have to try and catch the lowest fare on an airline’s website at 1 am Monday or Wednesday morning. You’ll also find the latest deals and promotions from hotel. If you are a flexible traveler, this is where you win out on some amazing offers.
One of the best aspects of searching with Premium-Flights is that they do not sell tickets, they highlight the most cost-effective First and Business Class Flights and link you to lower fares for the flights and class you choose.
If you think of yourself as a discriminating and selective flyer, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by First Class and Business Class Deals from Europe and North America. For example, if you are going to Europe from North America you could pay as low as $1,090 USD or Business Class from the USA to South American for $570 USD.
Premium-Flights website is very easy to navigate to find exactly what you need.
Premium-Flights has recently added an app to its portfolio, for iOS and Android, with an integrated search function and push notifications for extra cheap real-time deals.
Christian Seidel
+ 352691562206
SOURCE Premium-Flights